Presented at KES2002 in Milan, Italy

The title: Development and Application of a Group Learning Function in the Virtual School System

Milan central station that is entrance of Milan

Duomo di Milano that is symbol of Milan

In Duomo

Trimphal arch continued La Scala

Scala. Could not enter for maintenance.

Santa Maria dele Grazie charch

Coud not enter for crowd


Brera Musium


Millan University in Clema take placed KES2002

A scene in University

Concert at dinner

One of the meeting place of six

My presentation (No.1)

My presentation (No.2)

My presentation (No.3)

My presentation (No.4)

Street in Cremona

Cremona is famous for violin

At Cremona restaurant

At Duomo of Cremona

At Treviglio station

Milan Station

Lake Como

Grand resort area